Feb 3rd analysis and watchlist
Crypto/FX Markets
Equty markets
My Thoughts
Same thoughts as yesterday for the most part. In the short term we are a little overdone but this bounce has been as “rip your face off” as I expected.
This is the prefect time to talk about how I stuck to my plan when everyone was looking to short. Came in to work everyday a made a list of things that wernt’t selling off with the market. Most of those had to be taken off the list later after breaking down. But eventually when we bounced I was ready to load up int a ton of strong names. Now my account is nearly fully and having and very profitable week.
The lesson is when there is nothing that meets your plan… do nothing. Its hard I know. In all other aspects of life we are told the one that dosent the most makes the most but its 100% he opposite in trading.