August 30TH analysis and watchlist
Crypto/FX Markets
Equty markets
Stocks to watch
my Thoughts
The last weekend in August going into a long weekend is commonly a choppy and boring one. People have their last weekend of freedom and a long weekend before the kids go back to school.
I will be off this week but I dont think I will be missing much. In todays world I think I can get most of my trading done on my pad from a rented hammock this week instead of me own.
I am right about my choppy prediction then make sure you trade accordingly.
How? Smaller and longer. Less traders means less liquidity therefor its easy to push stocks around.
Pro tip: When traders are bored they seem to turn into Junkies and and push around the junkiest stocks they can find just to make some lunch money and find something to do. Lets see how many of these predictions of mine are going to hold true to my return after labour days.
what this means for SET pro members is not much. I am still doing these posts and up keeping the watchlist. But will be away from the discord room.