June 16th premarket prep
Crypto Markets
We have been talking about BTC under the 200 day for a while now. This Doji right at that area just confirms to me that this will be the area to watch going forward.
The Doji is my favorite candle stick pattern as it clearly shows indecision in the name. After areas of confusion, we usually see a move. I will be watching this area for a trade tomorrow.
Doji day for ADA as well so we are wait and see mode in crypto
Equty markets
Another successful touch near the prior support area on the SPY. The healthiest thing we can do for a little bit now is to move sideways over this resistance.
With FOMC tomorrow this analysis means little as how tomorrow closes will change a lot. Right now we are leaning bullish going into the event so we would expect it to resolve in the direction of the trend. I don’t think there will be anything that is not already priced in talked about. However we need to make sure we are ready for anything.
A bunch of large and market-moving news tomorrow. I suspect that we are going to have a slow choppy morning followed by a massive spike or drop in the afternoon. (Convert the time back 1 hour for est)
XLE is the only real mover today and it alone carried this market today. XLU and XLF get notable mentions.
What we thought was a possibly a failed breakout for energy we are seeing that it might not be failed after all. Holding strong in a weak market. I have been looking for names in this sector for tomorrow.
Stocks to watch
MRO from XLE is setting up nicely and we are going to watch over $14. We are wrong under this base.
SO from XLU might be finishing its pullback soon.
Hugely important area here on LAZR. If we move off of this area I am looking to get involved.
29% short float on SDC is the reason to watch this one. After the breakout the other day we have had 4 days of pullbacks. This area of pullback is one that I think we could find support at. This would allow us to get involved before the start of the next squeeze if we get one.
RMO still valid for the same reasons as yesterday
QTNT still on watch from yesterday.
my Thoughts
Choppy over the last few days. This is due to both it being summer and FOMC incomming. Let’s hope to see some more exciting action after that but we are not gamblers so we will wait for this huge event to pass then take action.
Market unchanged. All makes sense in the context of the FOMC meeting later today.