September 28th analysis and watchlist

Crypto/FX Markets

Equty markets

Stocks to watch



my Thoughts

Inside small day for the SPY but a nice strong day for both RSP and IWM. As Gary in the chat room correctly pointed out this is telling us loudly that this means that big tech is getting hurt while the rest of the market is doing ok.

This is the life blood of a bull market. Everyone things that bull markets are easy to trade but rotational market like this are one of the most hardest. Whats happening in this market is that there is no where to put money other than in stocks so how fund mangers will try to beat the index is to rotate into what’s working the best at the time.

Just like in all markets this means stocks that are realtiivly strong will continue to work which is why we are seeing more and more bullflags on the watchlist.


September 29th analysis and watchlist


September 27th analysis and watchlist